Sunday, June 19, 2016

International Hospitality

International Hospitality the Lone wolf of Social Work is a 3½ year degree project of 210 ECTS for understudies who need to fill in as expert social specialists in broad daylight or private offices offering social administrations.

International Hospitality the unhitched male of Social Work Recognition offers access to directing proficient social work, for example, advising, direction, coordination, examination, arranging, arrangement, improvement, correspondence and activity of power inside of the group, and inside of neighbourhood and private associations and organisations.
International Hospitality OF THE SOCIAL La borers ARE Utilised BY THE Neighbourhood Regions AND CONDUCT CASE WORK Inside of Regions, For example,
• Children and youth
• Adults and families
• Integration of ethnic minorities
• Activity ventures
• Rehabilitation
• Pensions
• Handicap
SOCIAL La borers Might Likewise BE Utilised Inside Different Powers, FOR Occurrence:
• Counselling offices for liquor and drug misuse
• Hospitals
• Prison Administrations
• Housing Powers
• Trade Unions
• Job Focuses
• Health associations
• Developmental Associations
• Private Organisations
• Private advisers
• Background, and so on.
The Social Work System is taught at the West Jutland College School as a free degree program. The project is sorted out as a communication in the middle of hypothesis and hone and stresses an interdisciplinary introduction between 4 scholastic fields.
• Social Work (84 ECTS)
• Psychology and Psychiatry (28 ECTS)
• Law (28 ECTS)
• Applied Sociologists (34 ECTS)
Instructing IS Sorted out IN A Blend OF Distinctive PEDAGOGICAL Methodologies AND Strategies LIKE FOR Occasion:
• Lectures (up to 60 understudies)
• Teaching in gatherings (commonly between 25 – 30 understudies)
• Case – based showing and preparing
• Independent thinks about and bunch work (3 – 6 understudies)
• Project work
• Field arrangement in offices, settings and private associations
The project incorporates interdisciplinary courses in collaboration with other degree programs on grounds for occasion single man of training and lone ranger of social instruction.
Understudies Ought to Finish:
• a full time singular field arrangement (1 semester/36 ECTS)
• a field study (2 months) sorted out as an undertaking work in gatherings
• a lone wolf venture work inside of the field of social work in the seventh semester
THE SOCIAL WORK Project IS OFFERED IN 3 DIFFERENTS Plans International Hospitality:
• A full time program (3½ year)
• An IT based project (3½ year)
• A low maintenance program (4 3/4 year)
All projects are taught in Danish.
The Single guy of Social Work Program enlists 455 understudies on a full time premise and 110 understudies on low maintenance premise. The last program is solely offered at the West Jutland College School in Bjerknes.
International Hospitality the teachers are enrolled from inside of the fields of Social Work, The Humanities, Brain research, Law and Sociologists. The educating staff incorporates roughly 19 full time teachers and various low maintenance instructors. Likewise, a vast system of visitor speakers is joined with the single guy project on an individual premise.
THE Target OF THE Project
International Hospitality the target of the Lone wolf of Social Work System is to qualify the understudy professionally and by and by to practice social work freely and in addition in cross disciplinary participation with associates.
THE Points OF THE System IS TO:
• Qualify the understudies to convey our hypothetical and down to earth social work and advising as per the general improvement in the public arena and in the fields of social work and science
• Enable the understudies to recognise, portray, examine, assess and act as indicated by diverse living conditions and social issues at an individual and a gathering level and in connection to associations and society all in all
• To gain information and understanding of the circumstances of nationals, clients and situations empowering them to roll out improvements and go about as social specialists both in an open and a private connection.
The strategy of internationalisation both inside of the West Jutland College School and inside of the lone wolf of Social Work Project is executed in the educational modules. The point is to include and incorporate a European measurement into social work instruction and social work. The social Work Program bolster understudies who need to add a study encounter abroad to their studies and offer distinctive potential outcomes by keeping up worldwide collaboration through two-sided contracts and accomplice systems both in the Nordic nations, Europe, Australia, Africa and the United States.
Understudies Might Travel to another country TO:
• Complete their field arrangement
• Conduct information accumulation for the social work single guy task
• Complete courses for at least 3 months to a greatest of 12 months
International Hospitality Understudies might likewise agree to the investment in escalated programs running more than two weeks. Two diverse European systems sort out concentrated Projects once per year and offer understudies to take part in two weeks escalated intercultural study trade. A Nordic system sorts out modules at expert level.
Once every fall, the single guy of Social Work Program sorts out and offer exercises to understudies and staff inside of the casing of “Internationalisation at home”. This occasion takes into account the usage of understudies and staff’s worldwide encounters into the project as a major aspect of including an European measurement into the social work program and social work.
WHAT IS OFFERED TO Global Understudies?
The Unhitched male of Social Work Program invites global understudies and sorts out individual study trade under thought of the European credit necessities. It ought to be noticed that courses are taught in Danish and that dialect courses are required either previously and/or amid the study trade in Esbjerg.

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