Thursday, June 9, 2016

Process of learning

A sequence of activities that can be applied in learning is called learning process. The methods, which are applied in teaching process, are regarded as steps in the learning process. These are as follows:

  1. Goals or objectives
Every-learning has a goal. Teaching-learning process directs towards a goal, which is its ultimate target. Goal can be leaner-oriented. Everybody has a goal while he/she is involved in teaching-learning process. Parents possess a goal while teaching their son or daughter, so do the family, society, nation and learners. Even in the classroom teaching, a teacher has some goal or objectives, which he/she wants to achieve at the end of the class. He/she teaches to gain. That is why teaching-learning process is goal-oriented. Learning is an achievement of the goal. So, every-learning comes toward achieving goals or objectives, and learning become learning after achievement the goal.   

  1. Motivation
Motivation initiates a learner towards the goal or objectives. It attracts initiates, encourages and produces an interest for learning. It prompts compels and energizes a person to act or behave in a particular manner. For example, a girl or boy, who wants to learn, cycling, falls down quite often but he/she tries to improve and does not stop. No mater how many times he/she falls wounds himself/herself he/she goes on practicing. What makes him/her to behave in particular manners? It is because of motivation. It is an eternal an invisible power, which encourages or initiates a learner to achieve his/her goals or objectives. A motivation ends with the achievement of goals or objectives. For instance, when a person is hungry his/her hunger leads him/her to search food. Here, hunger is a motivation which compels him/her to activate. To find food and to have it is the goal or objective. When he/she takes the food the particular motivation 'hunger' suspends and another motivation comes forth. In the particular time, place and situation the particular motivation becomes active and after fulfilling the need it becomes passive. So, motivation is a dynamic thing which always initiates a person and engages him/her in some work. So is the case in learning.
Without motivation an individual cannot function well. Drives, needs and incentives always direct a person toward the goal or the objective. The organic whole of drives, needs and incentives in regarded as a motivation. For example, a thirsty person searches for water where 'thirst' is a 'derive' for him. Water fulfills his thirst that is why water is a need. Thirsty compels or initiates him to drink that is why it is incentives. Then the unity of these three things is motivation.
Learning does not take place without motivation a learner does not learn until he becomes ready. Readiness does not come without drive, needs and incentives. So, motivation is the backbone of learning.
  1. Recreation
Learning occurs effectively when a learner is free from tension, compulsion, and suffocation. Evidences show that one can learn in cordial environment rather in restriction. Learning through the medium of entertainment leads a learner to the better achievement. Creativity blooms in joyful environment. Learning is the process, which fosters the hidden potentiality of a learner. For it, only learning with entertainment can be applicable, effective and fruitful. So, a teacher must use the joyful teaching method for making the classroom enthusiastic and creative.

  1. Obstacles
In a class learners come from different family, society and culture. So, they are not expected to be same. Moreover, each and every individual is different because of heredity, environment etc. that is why attitude, behavior, interests, desires, intellects, habits are different. This is called individual differences. They are also different in emotionally, tension etc. which nay not be favorable to teaching-learning process. Such aspects to teaching learning process are called obstacles in learning.
Nevertheless, it is a responsibility of a teacher to find out the obstacles in learner and to them. Then, the teacher can learn easily and the objectives of teaching learning process can be achieved.

  1. Response
Teaching is no longer a political stage where a leader gives speech and others listen passively.  Now, it is learner-oriented and they are also expected to participate actively. Responses from their side are measurements of evaluation. Whether the teaching learning process is being effective or not can be known by the responses that the learners perform. Response can be explicit as well as implicit. Through the response of the learner a teacher can know the effectiveness of his/her teaching. So, a teacher should evaluate his/her teaching method through the response of the learners.

  1. Generalization
The attempt to apply the fact which is derived by one particular study in another case is called generalization. For instance, when a child reaches near the fire and catches it, he gets burnt. After that, he fears everything, which is like fire. He/she generalizes that particular fire from which he got burnt with other fire-like things. He/she learns that every fire burns. However every individual is different from other though their behavior can be generalized. Through this generalization, a teacher can apply the teaching method for the benefit of the learners. Only teacher can make his/her teaching effective when he/she knows child's behavior individual differences and theory of learning on the one hand, and when he/she can generalize all of them on the other hand.

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